Posts tagged software

Introduction to HyperSpy at the eBEAM summer school in September 2024

At the Summer School on Nano-optics with Free Electrons (eBEAM 2024) Jonas Lähnemann is invited to a talk in data analysis using python combined with subsequent introductory tutorials to HyperSpy/LumiSpy held in small groups. The summer school will take place at the Paul Langevin Center of the CNRS in Aussois in the French Alpes from September 1-13, 2024. Appl between March 4 and Mai 1 to join.

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Python-Package HyperSpy 2.0 released

Version 2.0 of the open-source software HyperSpy, co-developed by the PDI, has been published on conda-forge and PyPI. HyperSpy is a Python package for analyzing hyperspectral (multidimensional) data, which we use to evaluate our cathodoluminescence measurements. With the new version, many photoluminescence data formats and the native format of the Hamamatsu streak camera, which is being acquired for ZALKAL, can now also be read directly using the RosettaSciIO extension.

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HyperSpy/LumiSpy Tutorials 2023

In 2023, Jonas Lähnemann is invited to hold three Tutorials introducing the python package LumiSpy at conferences and workshops:

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