Posts tagged conference

Invited talk at the M&M 2024

At the Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) conference in Cleveland Ohio from July 28 to August 1, Mikel Gómez Ruiz, PhD student at PDI, will represent the ZALKAL application laboratory with an invited talk. This talk is entitled “Spatial, Spectral and Time Resolution: Tackling the Challenges of Multidimensional Luminescence Data Analysis with LumiSpy ”.

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Introduction to HyperSpy at the eBEAM summer school in September 2024

At the Summer School on Nano-optics with Free Electrons (eBEAM 2024) Jonas Lähnemann is invited to a talk in data analysis using python combined with subsequent introductory tutorials to HyperSpy/LumiSpy held in small groups. The summer school will take place at the Paul Langevin Center of the CNRS in Aussois in the French Alpes from September 1-13, 2024. Appl between March 4 and Mai 1 to join.

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Spring/summer conferences 2024

PhD student Domenik Spallek will present a poster on “Probing Li-diffusion into Ga2O3-polymorphs by depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy” at the International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO) in Berlin (May 26 – 31, 2024).

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ZALKAL at the DPG Spring Meeting

At the Frühjahrstagung of the Condensed Matter Section (Sektion Kondensierte Materie) of the German Physical Society (DPG) on March 17-22, 2024, PhD and master students of the ZALKAL project will be presenting three talks and one poster:

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Invited talk at the ICNS-14

At the 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS) in Fukuoka, Japan, in November 2023 Jonas Lähnemann from PDI is invited to hold a talk on “Revisiting the determination of the carrier diffusion length in GaN from cathodoluminescence spectroscopy”.

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HyperSpy/LumiSpy Tutorials 2023

In 2023, Jonas Lähnemann is invited to hold three Tutorials introducing the python package LumiSpy at conferences and workshops:

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CLEBIC in Grenoble in March co-organized

Jonas Lähnemann ist part of the organizing committee for the 2nd Workshop on Cathodoluminescence and Electron Beam Induced Current of Semiconductor Nanostructures (CLEBIC) held on March 22-24, 2023, at Institut Néel in Grenoble. This workshop is a sequel to the Topical Workshop Cathodoluminescence of Semiconductor Nanostructures organized at PDI in 2018. Due to the corona pandemic the workshop originally planned for March 2020 in Grenoble had to be postponed.

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